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Gifted Education

Honors Courses

Our middle school campuses offer a variety of honors courses in math and English Language Arts (ELA) for 6th-8th grade students identified as gifted.

Mosley also offers a Project Based Learning (PBL) elective designed to challenge gifted students at their level of intellectual ability. The course consists of hands-on learning opportunities and projects engaging in the practical experience of applying what students have learned. 

Please reach out to the school office to learn about the honors courses that may be available to your student.

Learn More About Gifted Testing

In addition to offering academic courses to meet the needs of the gifted, our middle schools offer a variety of courses to support their talents as well. 

Explore Mosley's Elective Offerings

Contact Us

Amy Evans
Interim District Gifted Coordinator
Email Amy Evans
(480) 730-7357

Hillary Golson
Mosley Gifted Teacher
Email Hillary Golson